

Opened in January 2001, the Public Relations Centre has emerged as reaction to the necessity to create a frame for the relationship civil servant & citizen.

       Functioning as a department in the Zalau City Hall, the centre objective is to serve the citizen in order to solve promptly and in a professional way its problems.

      Objectives and activities:

  • ato assure competent and qualitative services
  • to assure transparent communication
  • operativity, time effort economy for the citizens
  • concentration of the public relations in a single department in order to solve the requestes with more operativity
  • investigation, testing and knowledge directly from the source of the community and of the public life by a prompt reception of the citizens message and opinion
  • documents taking over
  • taking into evidence and coordination of diffrent documents between the departments of the city hall
  • assuring the external correspondence
  • evidența și coordonarea circulației corespondenței externe;
  • the registration for audience

      Additional information about the activity of the Citizens Information Centres are to be found on


Audiences registrations are made at the Public Relations Department, no 3, Iuliu Maniu St., Zalau or on the e-mail address

Telephone: 0260 - 610550
int 150, 154 or 612 670
Free call: 0800 800 779


Monday: 7,30-16,30
Tuesday: 7,30-18,30
Wednesday, Thursday: 7,30-16,30
Friday: 7,30-16,30

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