The Local Council has the following attributes:
The Local Council carries on other more activities establishes by the law
- to elect the vice-mayors, to decide on the staff of attendants number
- to ratify the town status, as well as the council functioning and organization regulations
- to approve studies, research and programmes of social-economic development, of territory planning, including the participation in programmes of county development
- to approve the local budget, loans, credit transfers and the means of use of the budgetary reserve; it establishes local taxes as well as special taxes
- to approve, on the mayor's proposal, the organization chart, the staff number and the organization and functioning regulation of its own apparatus, of the public services and institutions
- to manage the public and private property of the town
- to decide on the administration, granting or renting of the public possessions as well as of the local public utilities
- to take decisions concerning the selling, granting, renting of the private possessions of the town
- to create public institutions, commercial companies and local public services; it controls and analyses their activity; it sets up the standards of functioning and organization; it appoints and releases the leaders of the local public services as well as of the subordinated institutions sanctioning them in the conditions of the law
- to take decisions on the founding and organization of the local autonomous control societies; it has the right of shareholder in the commercial companies founded; it takes decisions on the privatization of the commercial companies; it appoints and releases the board of directors in the local autonomous control societies
- to analyze and approve the town planning documentation, deciding on the financial support. it approves the found assignments from the local budget for the defense activities against floods, fires and other natural disasters
- to establish the necessary measures in order to build, maintain and modernize the roads, bridges and the whole local infrastructure
- to ratify the economic documentation for the local investments, assuring all the necessary conditions from their accomplishment
- to offer the material and financial conditions for a better functioning of the public services in education, health, culture, sports, the defense of the public order, controlling their activity
- to decide the stimulation of the sanitary staff in the villages as well as other facilities; the same stimulation can be offered to the educational staff
- it has a contribution in the organization of scientific, cultural, artistic, entertainment activities
- it takes decisions concerning the public order; it analyses the activity of the public guardians, police, riot police force, firemen and other civil forces, offering suggestions concerning the improvement of their activity
- it deals with the environmental protection; it contributes to the protection, preservation, and restoration of the
- architectural and historic monuments, of the public and national parks
- it contributes to the social maintenance field assuring the protection of the children rights; it approves the distribution of the social apartments; it creates charity organizations
- it organizes markets, fairs, entertainment areas, and sports grounds, assuring a good functioning
- it allocates or changes street names, names of markets or other local public places
- it offers the title of " freeman of the city"
- it decides the partnership or association with Romanian or foreign legal entities, non-governmental organizations and other social partners, financing their activities and projects
- it takes decisions for the partnership or association with the authorities of the local administration in Romania or abroad as well as for the adhering to national or international associations
- it supports the activity of the local religious cults
- it maintains the trade freedom encouraging all the initiatives