

asistenta sociala  

   The public social care is managed by the Community Social Care Agency. It was meant to fight for social inclusion of defavoured and to provide social care services for different target groups. The substructure that provides a variety of social care are: social care canteen, emergency social care center, night shelter, a day care center for the elderly called “Youth Without Old Age”.

   The social canteen with 150 places provides food for over 100 beneficiaries, individuals with low or no income, retired and invalid persons, chronic sick people.



      Emergency Social Care Center is designed to support young people over 18 who have to leave shelters. The beneficiaries are provided with aid in social and professional integration. The capacity covers 20 seats.

      In the night shelter homeless people find temporary support also in surpassing the state of risk. The shelter has a capacity of 50 seats. The services provided in the facility respond to the need of the beneficiaries. They are offered psychological support, primary medical assistance, legal advice, support in social integration and two daily meals.

      The day care center for the elderly called “Youth Without Old Age” fight against social exclusions of the beneficiaries. The minim capacity is 50 clients. Presently, over 100 persons are in the center database. Approx. 35-45 individual came daily to the center for the regular activities. They benefit from psychological support, primary medical assistance, legal advice, occupational therapy, IT literacy support, access to the library. Events are organized with local partners for the beneficiaries.

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